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دانلود جزوه اصول و روش تحقیق 1 و 2 جزوه 2

دانلود جزوه اصول و روش تحقیق 1 و 2 جزوه 2

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دانلود جزوه اصول و روش تحقیق 1 و 2 جزوه 2
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 اهداف درس  هدف کلی اين درس آشنا کردن دانشجويان با اصول و . مفاهيم کلی تحقيق است  هدف بخش اول کتاب آشنا کردن دانشجويان با مفهوم . تحقيق است  هدف بخش دوم کتاب آشنا کردن دانشجويان با شيوه . طرح سئ او ل تحقيق است  هدف بخش سوم کتاب آشنا کردن دانشجويان با روشهای . مختلف تحقيق است CHAPTER 1 Background Man’s curiosity fulfilled by his intellect intellect, is the origin of all human knowledge. Knowledge refers to b do y of f t ac s and h th ypo eses th t a enables one to understand phenomena and to solve problems.  In early days, a large body of human understanding about the human understanding about the world was based on mostly unsyst ti li bl tematic, unreliable, an d unverified sources.  Certain channels of obtaining knowledge that is knowledge, that is sensory sensory experience, expert opinion and l i og i c h i t d th h have ass i sted man throug h his life.  However, the inadequacies of accumulating knowledge through accumulating knowledge through these sources (sensory experience, expert ii d l i) f d t op i n ion an d log i c) forced scholars to develop what is presently known as the scientific method in research. Sensory Experience  The information man takes in through his senses his senses is the most immediate way is the most immediate way of obtaining knowledge for him. The accumul ti f i f ti th h l ation of i nformation throug h senses forms one’s personal experience

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